Music and emotions: what sounds trigger in you
Music creates goosebumps, puts you in high spirits, and brings tears to your eyes. Electro beats drive you, a roaring orchestra provides pleasant shivers, and a deep singing voice has a calming effect. It’s amazing how much sounds influence you and direct your emotional world. The interplay between music and emotion is absolutely fascinating. And if you are asking yourself; what car cover should I buy then listening to music might help.
Music and feelings: what happens in the head while listening?
Tones penetrate far into the depths of the human soul and evoke many different moods. All over the world, certain music creates feelings of joy, sadness, and threat. It is not for nothing that music is considered a universal language. She gets by without words and everyone understands her straight away. Neuroscientists explain this with the fact that some tones first address the so-called brain stem, even before consciousness turns on. This region of the brain was already owned by primitive humans. The brain stem controls such important functions as reflexes and blood pressure.
What do psychologists and neurologists say about music?
Psychologists and neuroscientists speak of episodic memory. You connect the music with episodes from your own life. The brain links what has been heard back to the situation in which you heard a piece of music for the first time. You don’t just recognize the melody or the chorus text. Since all brain regions are active when listening to music, you experience the situation at that time, its specific atmosphere, and your mood at that time with all of your senses.
Which music you like and which stimulates you emotionally also depends on the socio-cultural environment, the musical tastes of older siblings, parents, and friends. An opera singer or a pop star singing about a past love touches you, even if you are still strangers to lovesickness as a child. Even babies several months old do not begin to cry when their mothers sing a sad pop song. The reason for this is the mirror neurons responsible for your ability to empathize. You perceive the musician’s emotion through the plaintive song of the musician. Your inner life vibrates through the nerve cells and you feel the same sadness.