Marijuana played a major role in impacting music, such as jazz music. Should you be detained such as the musicians mentioned in this post and need to pay bail, there are quite a few bail bondmans who can help you out of prison while awaiting a court hearing. Let’s look further at these cases.
Musicians tend to be brushing shoulders with the law and there are many celebrities that we know who was somehow charged with a few cases. Although there are quite a few musicians who had no problems at all. Let’s look at those celebrities who had problems with the law.
VIDEO: Celebs Who Have Been To Jail
Willie Nelson is an excellent example. He was also a long-time proponent of the pot, and he had problems with his taxes as well as laws against drugs. Everything was cleaned up, but the fraud was tight during the execution of the fraud.
Louis Armstrong together with Vic Berton (drummer) had issues with the law in 1930. Outside the Cotton Club in the state of California, he was imprisoned for some time and had been having a good laugh for many good nights. The judge sentenced each to six months ‘imprisonment, but later on was instead charged a fine of a thousand dollars.
Singer, John Lennon together with Yoko Ono (his wife), were arrested in their home in London in 1968. Lennon tried to eliminate proof, but the police issued his warrant through the window by his bedroom. They finally found the cigarette machine with some pieces of evidence in the form of hash, marijuana, and morphine. The police smashed the front door and loosening the drug detection dogs.
Lennon was fined £ 150 after he pleaded guilty. He was not the only member of the Beatles band who was arrested in marijuana. Paul McCartney (also a member of the Beatles band) was found guilty and detained in the year 1984.
1968, Los Angeles Ca, Clapton was also found arrested along with Neil Young and Buffalo Springfield. Richie Rufay together with Jim Messina had also been charged with illegal possession of marijuana. The last three were convicted and fined, but Clapton was released on all charges. This situation had been said to be the reason the Buffalo Springfield band had been dismantled.
Today, there are emerging musicians who are more aware of the law taking their music online. While they know the effects of jail time on their career, they remain clean as possible so as to avoid brushing with the law.